Paul Stirling, Group Director One O One Convenience Stores
Following a strategic review of the business, we identified the need to reset our Senior Leadership team for the new growth challenges the retail business will face in the coming years.
After completion of a comprehensive briefing with Leah, we set out an 18 month plan to phase in both individual and team development plans with Leah for all the senior management team to enable our growth objectives to be delivered.
Through this process, Leah set up individual one to one sessions with all the senior leadership team, identified key areas of development with each one of them and presently working through development plans with them throughout 2024 and 2025.
Coupled with this, Leah will be supporting the business with structuring the team to enable them to deliver on both immediate and long term strategical objectives.
In the short term I am seeing immediate benefits with going through this with Leah and confident our long term objectives will be delivered successfully in what will remain a challenging retail environment.